Book of Short Stories, By Fifth Grade Pupils

A Book Of Short Stories page 32

Kit Kat

Edgar Burke

You may perhaps think that this is and old title but that is the name given to my little black kitten about which I'm writing. I brought her home when she was about one month old. She was so thin and little my mother said she would not be bothered with her. But when she showed that she could be a very nice kitten, mother let me keep her.

She is about seven months old now. She is as much a noise maker as we children for she races all over the house wanting someone to chase her which of course my little brothers are only too glad to do.

She just knows everything you say to her. It seems as though she talks right back to you. She is also very curious. She watches everything that one is doing. Mother used to call her a queer little Kitty-cat. Finally we cut it down to Kit-Kat, the name by which she goes now and probably will always.

Edgar Burke

School No. 43